Fixed Petz items

Use these files however you want. They can be inspected, modified, used as hexing bases, etc.

All files are for P4.

Files created with my PetzHeaders project.

Unbumpable Blue Dog Food Bowl

Sick of your pets bumping that food bowl around the screen? Here's the unbumpable bowl! Behaves like a playpen bowl in all scenes. Overwrites the basegame Blue Dog Food Bowl. Rename to remove underscores.


Source code

Scratchable Burlap Scratching Post

Finally your cats can get the manicure they deserve. Overwrites the basegame Burlap Scratching Post. Rename to remove underscores.


Source code

Fixed cat hang animations

Fixes the issue where paintballs are aligned incorrectly while the cat is held. See before and after below - in the before the chest and belly white paintballs have become disconnected, in the after they are connected.

Use resource hacker to replace the relevant numbered BDTs in Catz 4 Rez.dll.
