Palette swap guide


Palette swapping overrides a LOT of core graphics functions in the game. It has been beta tested for over a month but you may still find issues. If you have performance or functionality problems, you can turn every palette swapping override off completely using the in-game setting.

See end for known issues. Do not report known issues as bugs.

Basic guide

Advanced guide

You will find that some colours you change in your palette won't show up as your chosen colour in-game. This is because Petz has always remapped some colours.

You can stop most of this remapping by using the Unlock Palettes setting. The following indexes are reserved for game functioning and should not be changed in your palette: 0, 200, 201, 243, 253

You may find that unlocking palettes causes graphical issues with basegame graphics.

When Unlock Palettes is on, you can add a special palette called petz.bmp which will function like replacing the palette bmp in the Petz exe.

You can use the experimental PWS palette swapper (also on Ratshack) to hex more easily.

Known issues